27th Annual ISNIE / SIOE Conference:
full conference program

Full conference program in CEST (Central European Summer Time).
V3. August 2023

1:30 pm - Registration opens

Foyer, ground floor of HZ Building (#13 on map)

5:00 pm - Welcome

5:15 pm - 6:30 pm - Keynote #1 - Room HZ2

  • Sarah Mathew (Arizona State University): “Self-Governance in Pastoral Kenya: Examining Norms and Meta-norms that Support Decentralized Social Order among Turkana Herders

6:30 pm - 8:00 pm - Reception

Foyer, ground floor of HZ Building (#13 on map)

8:00 pm - Adjourn

Please contact conference2024@sioe.org if you need help

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